Freiburg RNA Tools
IntaRNA - Results
IntaRNA 6244847

Input and runtime details for job 6244847 (precomputed example)

Sequence Parameters

? Query ncRNA (short) in FASTA[.fa]
? Index first query position1
? Target RNA (long) in FASTA[.fa]
? Target NCBI RefSeq IDNC_000913
? All repliconsyes
? Extract sequences aroundstart codon
? nt upstream (1-300)75
? nt downstream (1-300)75
? Index first target position-75

Output Parameters

? Number of interactions per RNA pair1
? Suboptimal interaction overlap can overlap in query
? Max. interaction lengthnot provided
? Max. absolute energy of an interaction0
? Max. delta energy above mfe of an interaction100
? No lonely base pairsyes
? No GU at helix endsyes

Seed Parameters

? Min. number of basepairs in seed7
? Max. Number of mismatches in seed0
? Maximal energy0
? Minimal unpaired probability (per RNA)0
? Seed position (query)not provided
? Seed position (target)not provided
? Ignore seeds with GU base pairsno
? Ignore seeds with GU endsyes

Folding Parameters

? Temperature for energy computation37.0
? Access. query: folding window size150
? Access. query: max. basepair distance100
? Access. target: folding window size150
? Access. target: max. basepair distance100
? Energy parameter set (Vienna package) Turner model, 2004

Job ID 6244847 (server version trunk)

?Job Submitted & Queued@ Fri Jan 07 21:36:19 CET 2022
?Pre-Processing Started@ Fri Jan 07 21:36:23 CET 2022
?IntaRNA Started@ Fri Jan 07 21:38:06 CET 2022
?IntaRNA Finished & Post-Processing@ Fri Jan 07 21:38:48 CET 2022
?Post-Processing Finished@ Fri Jan 07 21:39:11 CET 2022
?Job Completed@ Fri Jan 07 21:39:12 CET 2022
 DIRECT ACCESS: ( 30 days expiry )

Description of the job

ChiX - E. coli

? Output [zip]

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? Identified Interactions for NC_000913 Escherichia coli str. K-12 substr. MG1655

Sort by selecting a column name.
Target Start(T) End(T) Query Start(Q) End(Q) Energy p-value fdr gene annotation
b0846 -14 -6 ChiX 44 52 -10.43 0.0143379 0.8602904 rcdA DNA-binding transcriptional regulator RcdA
b0537 -12 -6 ChiX 44 50 -8.09 0.0450788 0.8602904 intD DLP12 prophage putative integrase
b0094 -45 -38 ChiX 43 50 -8.44 0.0379302 0.8602904 ftsA cell division protein FtsA
b0129 -75 -66 ChiX 41 50 -9.83 0.0191875 0.8602904 yadI putative PTS enzyme IIA component YadI
b2231 -17 -10 ChiX 43 50 -8.35 0.0396511 0.8602904 gyrA DNA gyrase subunit A
b2241 -12 -5 ChiX 43 50 -8.7 0.0333715 0.8602904 glpA anaerobic glycerol-3-phosphate dehydrogenase subunit A
b2216 -75 -60 ChiX 39 52 -8.35 0.0396511 0.8602904 rcsD RcsD phosphotransferase
b1175 -10 -2 ChiX 40 48 -8.33 0.0400441 0.8602904 minD Z-ring positioning protein MinD
b3141 41 51 ChiX 38 48 -8.7 0.0333715 0.8602904 agaI putative deaminase AgaI
b2461 65 73 ChiX 42 50 -9.88 0.0187259 0.8602904 eutP putative ethanolamine utilization acetate kinase EutP
Rows: 1-10 11-20 21-30 31-40 41-50 51-60 61-70 71-80 81-90 91-100 all

Details of Selected Interaction Download Interaction Details





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When using IntaRNA please cite :

Results are computed with IntaRNA version 3.2.0 linking Vienna RNA package 2.4.14